C/A (9th Floor, 78 Motijheel Rd, Dhaka-1000
Dhaka Yellow Pages, the commercial and industrial business directory, is published by Business Data Information Limited. It's a yearly publication & published in July of every year. Somebody can misunderstand by its name that it may contain business information of Dhaka city only. So, it should be clarified that Dhaka Yellow Pages covers the whole of Bangladesh and also overseas information as well. Dhaka Yellow Pages is the Trade Mark of Business Data Information Limited. Business Data Information Limited is established and registered with Joint Stock Companies & Firms as a Private Limited company in the year 2001.
Dhaka Yellow Pages starts its journey at such a time when there are several Business Guides available in the market. But the survey team of the organization found that all available guides contain wrong and outdated information. This sort of error is often embarrassing for a businessman or a business organization and is a potential source of loss. After a huge analysis by a group of analysts, Dhaka Yellow Pages is decided to be published with an aim to provide error-free, user-friendly, and updated information that will help you to promote your business at home and abroad.
Company information at a glance |
Company Name | : | DHAKA YELLOW PAGES |
Office Hours | : | 10:00 am to 06:00 pm |
Address | : | C/A (9th Floor, 78 Motijheel Rd, Dhaka-1000 |
Phone | : | +8802-9551391 |
: | info@dhakayellowpages.com | |
Social Media Link | : | |
Website Link | : | dhakayellowpages.com |