Muscle Flex Gym

Muscle Flex Gym

Dag-1074,Shahajadpur Eidgah Mosque Road, Khilbarirtak, Dhaka, Bangladesh

In Muscle Flex Gym, we focus on members' health by promoting natural gains. We monitor members closely and ensure proper form. Periodic fitness sessions are also conducted. It has a great workout-friendly environment. Most importantly, we believe in customer service. This is truly a great place! Dedicated and engaged trainers know what they're doing, working you through a full-body workout that is guaranteed to make you sweat. And the ambiance is really good too, so you will feel like you are working out in our own gym.

Company information at a glance

Company Name : Muscle Flex Gym
Office Hours : 07:00 am to 11:00 pm
Address : Dag-1074,Shahajadpur Eidgah Mosque Road, Khilbarirtak, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Phone : +8801300-775258
Email :
Social Media Link :