All Lift Company Details

Tahsinko Lift & Escalator

Tahsinko Lift & Escalator

102/1, Sute # 6B, West Agargaon, Sher-E-Bngla Nagar, Dhaka- 1207

The company TAHSINKO was founded in 2015 to provide elevators. It has a policy of offering lifts of the highest caliber at fair prices. The top lift servicing business in Bangladesh is TAHSINKO. adhering tenaciously to both ethics and customer pleasure.The velocity of technological change in our world is astounding. Today, findi... more
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Elevator Solution Ltd.

Elevator Solution Ltd.

House # 229, Road # 3 Avenue 1, Dhaka 1216, Bangladesh

Maintenance, repair, modernization, and installation expertise are offered by Elevator Solution Limited for lifts, escalators, and generators. We have been in business since 2008, and our combined knowledge and experience give us a distinct advantage when it comes to offering consumers professional services. In addition to givin... more
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Lift Company in Bangladesh

Lift Company in Bangladesh

Lift companies in Bangladesh are an essential part of the country's construction and infrastructure industries. These businesses are experts in the design, production, installation, and maintenance of escalators, elevators, and other vertical transit systems. Modern buildings must have lifts, commonly referred to as elevators, in order to efficiently convey people and things between floors.

Bangladesh is a nation that is quickly industrializing and has a thriving construction sector. The need for elevators and escalators is growing as more and more high-rise structures are constructed. Due to this, the country now boasts a vibrant lift sector, with numerous businesses providing a broad range of lift systems for all kinds of buildings.

In this post, we'll examine lift firms in Bangladesh in more detail, including their services, goods, and advantages.

Services of a Lift Company in Bangladesh

Many different services, such as lift design, production, installation, and maintenance, are provided by lift firms in Bangladesh. Commercial, residential, healthcare, hospitality, and other industries are just a few of the clientele they serve.

Lift Design: In Bangladesh, lift businesses collaborate with architects and building designers to develop unique lift designs that are tailored to the requirements of each project. To design a lift solution that is safe, dependable, and effective, they take into account aspects including the building's size, capacity, and intended use.

Manufacturing of lifts: A large number of lift firms in Bangladesh have their own factories where they manufacture escalators, lifts, and other vertical transportation systems. In order to guarantee that their products satisfy the highest quality standards, they use cutting-edge technology and equipment.

Lift Installation: The lift firm will install the lift in the building once it has been planned and produced. To ensure that the installation is done appropriately and in accordance with all safety rules, they will collaborate closely with the engineers and contractors for the building.

Lift Maintenance: To keep them operating safely and effectively, lifts need regular maintenance. Maintenance services are provided by lift businesses in Bangladesh.

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